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Training on your own vs with a Personal Trainer

There is no denying that a huge shift has taken place recently for the fitness industry since lockdown. It transformed the way people started working out and the way that personal trainers could operate and teach their clients. More and more individuals were now able to access workouts either for

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Can you exercise safely while pregnant

Of course you can! Despite all the evidence to the contrary, there is a certain stigma surrounding exercise in pregnancy that women feel they should stop exercising altogether for fear of hurting their fetus. Exercising in pregnancy has not only proven beneficial for the mother-to-be, it also has a positive

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What exercise to take on to suit your cycle

When it comes to reaching that time of the month, it is rare to find a single woman who finds themselves firing on all cylinders. The fluctuation in hormones affects most of us physically, emotionally and mentally. In fact, some women can be impacted so severely each month that it

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The Benefits of Postpartum Pilates

Once Mums have given birth, whether vaginal or c-section, they often ask what is the best exercise to start building back their strength. It can be a daunting prospect re-entering the world of fitness but there is no need to rush as it’s more important to enjoy the journey during

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Menopause and Bone Health

Perhaps the subject of bone density isn’t the most talked-about menopausal “side effect”, but it’s certainly an important one to cover, particularly for athletes and those in training. As we grow older, our exercise and nutrition must be adapted to the changes that our bodies are going through and to

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Is it better to train for HIIT or endurance?

 People often ask the question, which is better? Short intense bursts of activity, otherwise known as HIIT (high intensity interval training)  or longer endurance sessions otherwise known as cardiovascular training.  The answer really lies in what you are trying to achieve. As a personal trainer, it’s important to prescribe exercise

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Building Back Fitness After Childbirth

In almost all of my postnatal classes and sessions, women often ask me will I ever get my pre-baby body back? First of all, I have to remind them, they never actually lost their body. It’s the exact same body they had, it just took on a whole new role

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Why you should mix up your exercise routine

The great thing about staying active is there are literally unlimited options at your disposal. It’s easy to modify, swap or choose a different type of workout or activity. The biggest hurdle we face is our lack of motivation so if we choose something we enjoy, then that’s one hurdle

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Exercise and Mental Health

Exercise is good for our bodies. We know this because we are constantly being told of the countless benefits by fitness or health professionals;  Increased muscle tone, balance, metabolism and stamina, reduced risk of injuries, cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses, stronger bones, better ability to carry out every day

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The Benefits of Working Out From Home

 When the pandemic hit, we had to get inventive with our workouts. Bottles, cans, balls, stairs, even boxes and tea towels were now our fitness equipment whilst the fitness industry was transformed almost overnight. Free and easy access to online workouts kept us all sane during the most turbulent time

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