What’s coming up with Mum Fit Wonder…

My Fertility Journey

Fertility and exercise; ever the complicated relationship. How much exercise actually helps or hinders your chances of falling pregnant. Finding the right balance is not always easy and bringing the subject to the forefront of my mind still triggers raw emotions for me. 

The other day “I will wait for you” by Mumford and Sons and “Haven’t met you yet” by Michael Buble both came on the radio. In the midst of our struggle to fall pregnant with our second child, I had put together a list of songs, both of these included, to help put myself in a more positive frame of mind. Something which was increasingly difficult during a time when each month brought about more negative feelings and sadness. So when I heard them recently I knew I had to decide to make this 220 magazine feature a personal account and open up those old wounds. For anyone reading this who is struggling to fall pregnant, please know that you are not alone and that talking to others and hearing their stories will help I promise. It is my hope that sharing mine will offer some comfort too.