What’s coming up with Mum Fit Wonder…

Fitness memberships

One Fit Wonder

From: £20.00 / month


To sign-up for the One Fit Wonder membership, you need to select the type of class membership you want, currently there are 6:

  • Buggy Bootcamp
  • Box Fit Wonder
  • Buggy Fit
  • Pilates
  • POUND™
  • Rock n Stroll

Once you have paid for the One Fit Wonder membership, simply visit the Classes page and select the class of your choosing. There are limited spaces in each class so please ensure you have booked at least 24 hours beforehand to secure your space. You will not be charged for this booking, it is simply to secure your space.

If any classes are run outside of the school term on an ad-hoc basis, they will by charged at the pay as you go rate.​