What’s coming up with Mum Fit Wonder…

A little update from me….

Hi everyone! So where do I start, it’s definitely been a hectic few months for me. Along with my classes and PT sessions in full swing (and numbers growing!!), I have also started a social media course called Digital Mums (training Mums to become social media managers) which is taking up quite a bit of my time too (I’m actually supposed to be writing a blog for my new social media campaign this week as well eek!!! )…

It’s a really great course, I’m learning loads all from the comfort of my own home and have met some amazing ladies who are also knackered hard-working Mums scrambling through this mad existence of juggling family life with finding a good work/life balance. That elusive holy grail of  work you love with the flexibility to also attend to the needs of small people; drop offs, pick ups, homework, after school clubs, you know the drill. But yes this is the holy grail, one that you’d hope would be easy to find in this day and age but is actually scarily rare. More on that another time…and don’t worry guys, I won’t be quitting Mum Fit Wonder AT ALL, this is a skill that will not only help my business but will also open up exciting opportunities for part-time or freelance work that can easily run alongside my fitness career.

So, that’s one reason I’ve been a little quiet on the blog/vlog front…another reason well I’ve not been feeling so great recently… probably just easier to let the video explain…